Kitty and GitHub Codespaces - The terminfo issue

Update on 2023-08-15

I realized that the result of the infocmp -a xterm-kitty command that run on macOS can be incompatible with terminfo on a Linux host.

On Codespace instances (and other Linux machines too) just downloading the terminfo file from the GitHub repository and passing it to the tic command is easier and more reliable.

gh api \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
    -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
    /repos/kovidgoyal/kitty/contents/terminfo/kitty.terminfo \
    -q '.content' \
    | base64 -d \
    | tic -x -o ~/.terminfo -


Kitty has been my main terminal software for quite a while. One unique thing about it is that it has its own terminfo, xterm-kitty. Without having the terminfo file on the server, you may encounter the following warning when running commands such as less, and the terminal actually isn’t functional at all.

WARNING: terminal is not fully functional

There are some well-written solutions for this in Frequently Asked Questions - kitty. On GitHub Codespaces instance, with the GitHub CLI you can apply this:

infocmp -a xterm-kitty | gh cs ssh -c [name of the codespace] -- tic -x -o \~/.terminfo /dev/stdin

You might see the following warning, but this can be ignored.

"/dev/stdin", line 2, col 22, terminal 'xterm-kitty': older tic versions may treat the description field as an alias