Consolidating Dependabot PRs by cherry-picking commits

Overwhelmed by Dependabot PRs every week? Instead of approving, deploying, and merging them one by one, you can consolidate them into one PR. Here’s how to do it.

Note: Grouped version updates for Dependabot public beta is coming soon, but I think this is still useful on certain occasions.

First, checkout to a new branch:

git co -b "lowply/dependabot-rollup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"

Pull commits. Thanks to the GitHub GraphQL API, it’s just one API request!

COMMITS=$(gh api graphql -F owner="${OWNER}" -F name="${REPO}" -F labels="${LABEL}" -F states="${STATUS}" -f query='
    query($name: String!, $owner: String!, $labels: [String!], $states: [PullRequestState!]) {
      repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) {
        pullRequests(first: 100, labels: $labels, states: $states) {
          nodes {
            commits (first: 100) {
              nodes {
                commit {
' | jq -r .data.repository.pullRequests.nodes[].commits.nodes[].commit.oid)

Then cherry-pick these commits:

git cherry-pick ${COMMITS}

If there’s a conflict, fix it. But if there’s a conflict on package lockfiles such as package-lock.json or yarn.lock, don’t try to fix it. Instead, run npm i or yarn to refresh lockfiles. Conflicts will automatically be fixed.

Finally, create a PR.

gh pr create --title "Dependabot rollup $(date +%Y-%m-%d)" --body "Consolidating [open dependabot PRs](${OWNER}/${REPO}/pulls/app%2Fdependabot)."

I do this in my team very often and it works well in most cases. Resolving conflicts is usually very straightforward.